Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Tricks, etc.

Standing up and taking steps...Harper starts at the gate, then grabs her jumparoo and scoots over by it.


High five!

Giving daddy kisses

Giving Daddy hugs...

Calling Grandma & Grandpa

"No one's answering...huh..." (This is another little things she does...the "shrug")

Harper and Daddy

Purple people eaters (thank you Aunt Becky for the cool shirt)


Harper is 9 Months Old!

Harper turned 9 months old on Thursday. This is the first month with her crib pictures from up a little higher. We had to drop her crib a few weeks ago so she couldn't escape. She's crawling faster than ever now. She is pulling herself up and taking little steps. Just yesterday she started walking with her walker, not just standing up with it. She can only take a couple steps, but at the rate she is doing new things, she'll be walking on her own any day now. A few other things she is doing are giving kisses, waving bye bye, giving high fives, and "so big". With all of these new talents though, she is still toothless! Babies her age usually have at least 2-3 teeth by now. She has zero (which is okay with me since I'm still nursing). At her check up on Tuesday, she weighed 19 lbs 3oz and was 28.5" long. She has "thinned out" according to her doctor, primarily since she started crawling and burning more calories.

Laughing, not crying

Everything goes right to her mouth

Hopefully she won't start trying to climb out yet....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I've been trying to load video of Harper crawling and doing other new things, but it has not been working for about a month, and I give up. So, here are some recent pictures of her crawling. She's also pushing herself up so she's on her hands and feet, climbing up on everything, and crawling like crazy! Of course, we've also had to lower her crib so she won't climb out.

Next she'll be walking!
Green beans!

Grandma's little bunny
Up on all fours...

"Hey Grandpa, come down and crawl with me"

"Ok" says Grandpa